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"La bonne gestion du congé maternité est un levier important pour l'égalité homme-femme"


Marion Fortin and Camille Desjardins spoke with Florine Galéron, journalist at La Tribune.

In this interview, the two researchers present their study on women's experiences at work before, during and after maternity leave, they share the most important results of this study and their recommendations to organisations and managers including:

- Planning the absence by involving the pregnant woman several months before departure. This is also an opportunity for the manager to discuss with the employee her plans for when she returns to work.

- Upon return from maternity leave, a meeting should also be arranged between the manager and the employee to discuss her career aspirations.

- It is necessary to inform each woman of all her rights, such as the possibility of working one hour less during her pregnancy or the possibility of adjusting her working hours to continue breastfeeding after maternity leave.

Interview available here (in French): https://toulouse.latribune.fr/entreprises/social/2021-11-18/la-bonne-gestion-du-conge-maternite-est-un-levier-important-pour-l-egalite-homme-femme-896583.html